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3 Translation results for free in Spanish

adjective | adverb | verb

free adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
libre; gratuito, gratis; espontáneo, voluntario; desocupado; suelto

Example sentences of
free adjective

  • They're giving out free tickets to the show.
  • The school newsletter is free.
  • After 10 years in jail, he was finally a free man.
  • The animal struggled to get free of the trap.
  • His legs became caught in the net, and he was unable to get himself free.

Detailed synonyms for free adjective

Free, independent, autonomous, sovereign significan que no está sujeto al dominio o control de otro.
  • Free recalca la ausencia total de control externo y el pleno derecho de tomar uno todas sus propias decisiones <you're free to do as you like>.
  • Independent indica el estar solo; cuando se aplica a un estado, indica la falta de conexión con cualquier otro que pueda tener el poder de interferir con sus ciudadanos, leyes o política <Ireland's struggle to become independent>.
    antonyms: dependent
  • Autonomous recalca la independencia junto con la libertad; o, en su uso político, la independencia en asuntos relacionados con el autogobierno <an autonomous region with its own parliament>.
  • Sovereign recalca la ausencia de un poder superior o dominante, e indica el ejercer uno la supremacía dentro de los límites de su propio dominio o esfera <Ukraine is now a sovereign nation>.

free adverb

unfavorite favorite
libremente; gratuitamente, gratis

Example sentences of
free adverb

  • The gate opened, and the animals ran free.
  • Buy one, get one free.

Synonyms of
free adverb

free verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
freed, has freed, is freeing, frees
libertar, liberar, poner en libertad; librar, eximir; desatar, soltar; desatascar, destapar

Example sentences of
free verb

  • The gunman freed two of the hostages.
  • The animals were freed from their cages.
  • His legs became tangled in the net, and he was unable to free himself.
  • He was unable to free his legs from the net.
  • The animal struggled to free itself from the trap.
  • Hiring an assistant has freed him to spend more time with his family.
  • She encourages her students to free their imaginations.

Detailed synonyms for free verb

Free, release, liberate, emancipate significan dejar suelto o libre de una restricción o limitación.
  • Free suele indicar el apartar permanentemente de lo que ata, confina, enreda u oprime <freed the animals from their cages>.
  • Release connota el dejar salir de un estado de confinamiento, restricción, presión o tensión <released him from his obligations>.
    antonyms: detain
  • Liberate recalca en particular el estado de libertad resultante <liberated the population from foreign domination>.
  • Emancipate indica la liberación de la persona que ha estado bajo sometimiento o dominio <electric appliances that emancipated women from housework>.
    antonyms: enslave
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Reverse translation for free

libre  - free, vacant 
gratuito  - gratuitous, unwarranted, free, gratis 
gratis  - free, gratis 
espontáneo  - spontaneous, impromptu 
voluntario  - voluntary 
desocupado  - vacant, empty, free, unoccupied, unemployed 
suelto  - loose, free, unattached 
libremente  - freely 
gratuitamente  - gratuitously, free, for free, gratis 
gratis  - free, for free, gratis 
libertar  - to set free 
liberar  - to liberate, to free 
librar  - to deliver, to set free, to wage, to issue 
eximir  - to exempt 
desatar  - to undo, to untie, to unleash, to trigger, to precipitate 
soltar  - to let go of, to drop, to release, to set free, to loosen, to slacken 
desatascar  - to unblock, to clear 
destapar  - to open, to take the top off, to reveal, to uncover, to unblock, to unclog